The Davis Autism Approach is a non-invasive, gentle approach designed to allow autistic individuals to participate more fully in life. 

This one-on-one program can be conducted by a Davis Autism Approach Facilitator or by a parent or loved one who can be trained and mentored by a Davis Autism Facilitator-Coach.

The program incorporates many of Ron Davis’ “tried and trusted” methods which have been used successfully worldwide over the past 28 years assisting those with learning differences.

Ron Davis has been working successfully with autistic individuals throughout this time and has now made this work accessible to others through the Davis Autism Approach.

There are 3 parts to the program:

1. Individuation - This is a focusing technique, which allows the individual to develop accurate perception of their senses.  Along with clay modeling, this                                     builds a stronger awareness of "self".

2. Identity Development - With a stronger awareness of self and accurate perception, a greater understanding of the world can be developed.  Thirty "life        
                                         concepts" are created through clay modeling and real world exploration.  This builds on and strengthens existing identity and                                                    understanding.

3.  Social Integration - When the first two stages have been completed, there is a sufficient foundation upon which to build an understanding for establishing                                       relationships with others.  Key concepts, which are the foundation for all human relationships, are explored through clay modeling                                             and can be built upon depending on the needs or requests of the individual.

NEW STEPPING STONES AND Davis Concepts for Life?

The Stepping Stones workshops are designed for: 

Parents, family members and support persons of individuals who demonstrate autistic characteristics and are struggling to meet early childhood development milestones or individuals with limited language skills.

Therapists, teacher aids, early childhood workers, allied health assistants would also benefit greatly

Anyone who is interested in the Davis Autism Approach®.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the workshop you will:
• Demonstrate an understanding behind the rationale for the programme and how it
helps those with ASD under the age of 8 or those with very limited language, to
develop the foundational life’s lessons needed to complete essential early childhood
development stages.
• Describe and reflect on the process of ‘individuation’ (awareness of self) and the role it
plays in the acquisition of early life concepts.
• Gain and practice the Davis Focusing Tools for yourself.
• Demonstrate the techniques needed to guide someone through the use of the Davis
Focusing Tools.
• Identify the Basic Stepping Stones concepts and their definitions.
• Describe the technique of Concept Mastery using clay and gain experience on how to
guide another/your child through this process.
• Explore the Concept Mastery procedure for The Basic Stepping Stones Concepts of
self, another, others, change, consequence, cause/effect, before/after.
• Gain experience of how to facilitate experiences so that these concepts can be
understood and transferred across a variety of situations.

The Davis Concepts for Life? workshops are designed for 

Parents, family members and support persons of an individual
on the autism spectrum, adult autistic individuals who are looking for a self development
program, or anyone who is interested in helping a person with autism
through the Davis Autism Approach®.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the workshop you will:
• Demonstrate an understanding behind the rationale for the program and
how it helps those with autism participate more fully in life.
• Identify key life concepts and why they are best explored in a specific
• Describe and reflect on the technique of Concept Mastery and gain
experience on how to guide another or self through this process.
• Explore the mastery procedure with the first set of concepts described in the
book, Autism and the Seeds of Change.
• Gain experience of how to explore these concepts in the environment and
the value of integrating them into everyday life.
• Demonstrate the techniques needed to guide another through the use of the
“Davis focusing tools”.
• Create a plan of how to implement an individualized program for the person
you are supporting or for yourself.

More information can be found at: 

Autism Characteristics

For a thorough list of possible characteristics of a person with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism (HFA) or Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), please consult the list at: